I'm just returning from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's All Network Conference. I heard two stories about pivotal moments that turned two lives around, one from suicide and one from a life of violence. Both moments revolved around thinking of moms, one's own and other's moms, and sparing their lives of further grief. I took away from these stories the tremendous importance of love, feeling love and feeling loved.
I never hear these stories mention therapy as the key ingredient to transformation, though I've certainly seen the power of therapy to help change lives. I'm humbled to know that all of my profession's fancy expositions about the key ingredients to therapeutic change are nothing if not performed with love. A love that conveys that
You are Valued
You are Seen
You are Felt
You are Known.
Thank you to all the moms out there, biological and spiritual.
RIP Patricia Van Horn
RIP Jan Markiewicz