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Trauma Training for DYCD Middle School Staff

  • UFT Building 52 Broadway, 19th Floor New York, NY 10004 (map)

This training is sponsored by the Department of Youth and Community Development and for their staff working with middle school youth. I may be able to invite some extra people to attend. Let me know if interested. 

Below is the event description from the eventbrite website:

Crucial to working effectively with adolescents is an understanding of the impact that trauma has had in their life, and particularly how that trauma might be impacting behavior. As you are aware, middle school is a time of much change for our youth, and though all of our youth are experiencing the struggles and growth of adolescence, it is crucial to be aware of the emotions, behaviors, and possible warning signs that indicate past trauma. 

Youth development staff need to understand that behavioral issues and even life circumstances may be the result of ongoing, complex traumatic events that include poverty or violence in the community, domestic violence, or child abuse/neglect, among other sources. Understanding the source of behavior provides helpers with a greater sense of empathy and compassion, and allows them to consider new tools and strategies to help youth cope and thrive.                            

This in-depth and practical workshop will teach those who work with youth some fundamental concepts in how trauma can impact youth and how to work with traumatized youth. 

  • We will briefly review the way trauma impacts a child’s relationship to self, other and the world and potentially all aspects of development. This teaching will occur through memorable stories and videos. 
  • Then, we will work to ingrain this knowledge into practice through role play of interactions with youth that participants will be asked to share.
  • Finally, we will acknowledge and discuss the impact of doing this work on helpers and how to care for oneself while caring for others. 

The ultimate goal is to leave participants feeling confident that the small lessons learned may be simple but doable and can have a significant impact on their quality of work and personal satisfaction in doing the work of serving traumatized youth.

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Trauma-Informed Treatment for Opioid Treatment Center Part 1 of 2

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